What is the startup stack
The startup stack is an attempt on helping startup bootstrap their stack in the cloud.
While lots of startups have different technologies, often the underlying stack is very similar, yet, lots of startup are left to figure this out as they go along. This creates many challenges. Lots of PAAS companies try to solve that by abstracting away the complexity, but you are sometimes left locked in to a platform and migrating away is really hard.
Lets take a very common startup launching a product on the web and mobile, even without talking about the language or framework of choice they'll need to figure out monitoring, deployment, load balancing, debugging, logging and so many more things. Each of these brings challenges along
Modern and current by default
The stack will be current and modern by default, this doesn't mean we'll drop the docker bombs on you but it will be a production cluster, thinking of containers when appropriate and instances where not.
Sane Defaults
With infrastructure, there's no "catch all", it's a tailored production, but still, having sane defaults is super important. For example, when you deploy graphite, the disk size, speed, ports opened and other configuration will be pre-defined for something that will work long-term in most production evnironments.