Cluster / Orchestration solution
In order to achieve a true modern stack, we need a cluster orchestrator. This is achieved using mesos, marathon and chronos.
This project will mature around these, once the project includes some executables it will likely come pre-configured with marathon configuration and HA-Proxy bridge.
Each and every one of the machines in the cluster are "slaves" orchestrated by the master.
The default installation (for now) includes a single master that has everything on it mesos, zookeeper and marathon
In order to bootstrap the cluster go to terraform/cluster
and execute the
following commands.
$ export $MY_IP=`curl -s | sed -e "s/.*Current IP Address: //" -e "s/<.*$//"`
$ terraform get
$ terraform apply -var key_name=production -var your_ip_address=$MY_IP
This will start a new server instance for you.
After you bootstrap the server, terraform will spit out an IP for you, you use this IP in order to configure the serevr with chef.
$ bin/knife bootstrap YOUR_SERVER_IP -r "role[base],role[marathon]" -E production -x ubuntu --sudo
This will install everything and start all the services you need on that server.
You are now ready to deploy services using Mesos and Marathon.