The Startup Stack

The Startup Stack

The Startup Stack

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Since most of our time with the startup stack will be spent configuring, adding and creating chef cookbooks and recipes, we'll need to setup a Ruby development environment.

There are two ways to start working

  1. Vagrant
  2. Run everything on your machine

If you want to get started quickly, Vagrant is likely your best bet, but you mind find it cumbersome to SSH into a virtual box just to communicate with your chef-server.

In which case, going with running everything on your machine is best. The choice is yours and support will be provided for both ways.

Getting Started

In order to get started with either, you will first have to fork the cookbooks repository to your machine.

I recommend forking it to your account and starting to work on your version right off the bat, it'll be easier going forward.

Visit this link and fork the repo to the account you want.


Make sure you run vagrant up inside the directory which you cloned the project to.

For example, if you cloned the repo to ~/Code/stack-cookbooks, that's where those commands need to run

Run everything on your machine

If you have Ruby (Rbenv/RVM) already installed on your machines it's even simpler to get started.

Once you cloned the repo you'll need to run these commands

$ bundle install --binstubs --path .bundle
$ bin/librarian-chef install

That's it, you are now ready to start working.

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